Monday, February 28, 2011

Sample Welcome Letter To Guests At Bat Mitzvah

JUMP WALLS: Fallacies of psychology

JUMPING WALLS: Fallacies of psychology : "The psychologist, sociologist and journalist Rolf Degen used in his book 'Fallacies of psychology' an abundant report review ..."

Penta Paints Colour Chart For Office

Carracedo David's Blog: The consciousness (or soul) in question. God and DNA

The Blog David Carracedo: consciousness (or soul) in question. : "At the entrance of the paradox of Theseus's ship, reflecting on an important issue for me, and I think for anyone with c. .."

How To Do Mouth Swab For Thrush

The reality imitates art: Qaddafi

Come and check:

The first picture is published World today in its paper edition, and Raul Arias. I have found no link
web. Forgive the quality of the image. It is a picture taken with the mobile phone.

The second is at the Museo del Padro and was painted between 1820 and 1823

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Auditorium Theatre Seating Chart

Colorful Cast For Leg

What's wrong with religion or being gay? - The Atheist Experience (...

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much Horsepower Does A 351m Have

How do we hear?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Whats Difference Between Real Boobs And Fake

"Rita Irritating Me"

Today, a colleague told me to School:

Incarnation, take this spoon and give returns to coffee, to see which way you do.

I, as therapeutic education teacher, I thought I was going to do some analysis about it productive. Convinced and determined, I take the spoon and begin to move the coffee ... to the right side (which is how I usually do) ... My colleague tells me of DERECHASSS, you're RIGHT!!

The first teacher, who knows me well, has started to laugh as he said:

- THE RIGHT ???!!!! Hahaha ... Deal Precisamenteeee derechass like that eh??

(I hue: ALL politicians thieves seem to me ... and I dislike ... but, of them all, the PP are the least I stand! ... Is because they are the touched me directly ...)

So this picture, taken at the station Benimamet (my people) I dedicate it to the teacher of Therapeutic Education, if you still believe in coffee ... and Rita, with loooong "love" Hahahaha !!!!!

When I saw this painted ... I just love it!

Rita irritates me "

(Now is when I get green peper in the comments .... hahaha!)