Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Whats Difference Between Real Boobs And Fake

"Rita Irritating Me"

Today, a colleague told me to School:

Incarnation, take this spoon and give returns to coffee, to see which way you do.

I, as therapeutic education teacher, I thought I was going to do some analysis about it productive. Convinced and determined, I take the spoon and begin to move the coffee ... to the right side (which is how I usually do) ... My colleague tells me of DERECHASSS, you're RIGHT!!

The first teacher, who knows me well, has started to laugh as he said:

- THE RIGHT ???!!!! Hahaha ... Deal Precisamenteeee derechass like that eh??

(I hue: ALL politicians thieves seem to me ... and I dislike ... but, of them all, the PP are the least I stand! ... Is because they are the touched me directly ...)

So this picture, taken at the station Benimamet (my people) I dedicate it to the teacher of Therapeutic Education, if you still believe in coffee ... and Rita, with loooong "love" Hahahaha !!!!!

When I saw this painted ... I just love it!

Rita irritates me "

(Now is when I get green peper in the comments .... hahaha!)


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