Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cater Cost 150 People


One of the most typical in summer, and certainly there could be no self-respecting veranito such action is the grandmothers of our people go to take a fresh ... Take the fresh

is basic, indispensable, essential, is an entertainment ...
is life for grannies ...

But, of course, everything in life should be conducted in a subdued manner. Thing does not happen with the old ladies of the doorway of my house.

No no no ... these old ladies to party rather than leave AFTER ... or RAVE ... What why??

Hombreeee ... a normal granny out at about 20:00 to take the cool and takes refuge in his humble abode on the 22:00 to the most ... and it is an achievement ... A Iaia (yaya) wakes up at 22:00 WOW! The world is locooooo !!!!!

My dear "tuneadas" that this is how I call the granny from under my house, do not pick up the hammocks until 1:00 am -1:30 ... are a partying that ... I think that hide the bottle in a corner of the street in case we see and have to share with the youth ...

not surprise me to see them any day now looking for a PR to party at the disco (or cocktail party ... as I suppose they would say) for bailarrr and bailarrr, and learn more grandparents and together make the bottle Saturday (or "fresh take on Saturday.")

And, the retirement home has become too small for our older ... Strong emotions need no longer they better with a simple 1 horita gossip ... nooooo ... in no time, will make a discount for "Pasha Ibiza" with corticolous of children home from school ... and if not, at the time! jajajaja !!!!!

A kiss for my grandmothers tuneás !!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Closet Clonazepamtablets

horxata Afternoon sun! We ESPAÑAAAAA

Summer's beginning to feel the body ...

After 19 days of vacation, I'm starting to feel it. is that it is necessary to have more than one month's leave, because, among which you get the idea, de-stress you, you forget the routine, you get rid of the biological clock (that makes you wake up at 8:00 am AM even Sunday) You're plan, you enjoy it, savor it, live it, taste it again ...

Everyone should have 2 months off.

perrete July to do, shopping, beach, dinners, partying, horxata later ...

and August to go on tour ...

... This year I'm going to InterRail: Germany, Czech Rep, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy ... Vidorra fine ... If you had told me this 4 years at the supermarket Curran ... I would not have believed !!!!!

HOLIDAY FOR TWO MONTHS! (and if they are paid better ... that I do not pay them!) Jajajajajaja! Send a kiss to

all! (Do not write often because I'm dirty tricks delivered to
and sunny afternoons! Hope you get me) jajajajaja !!!!!!! MUAs

Muuuassssss !!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Indian Sari Blouse Patterns


I can not stop writing about the event today at 20:30 freeze Spain, the event that we are expecting TOO ... why we are making plans with friends, looking for big screens like crazy, buying red shirts ...

is that: WE ARE IN THE FINAL !!!!. .. Who knew that day against Switzerland! Because yes yes ... not how it starts, but as ends. And tonight, hopefully finish in NATIONAL HOLIDAY! Hopefully
Paul, octopus, make no mistake ...

(But, we do the Galleguita, which is rather rich) jajajajajajajaja !!!!!!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Would A Reptile Or A Mammal Respirate More

10 stories ... 10 Songs !!!!!

The music is required, has always moved the masses, has defined generations, has been featured in hundreds and thousands of stories of love ... music is life, joy, happiness, party ...

Obviously, with this phenomenon, could not fail to create a blog dedicated to her, a blog that has known values, respect, manage, enjoy and most of all ... DELIVER ... I'm talking about 10 stories 10 songs ... the blog of John Ceñal (O Órdago ... it's like the author calls himself !)...
And, Órdago, besides offering a good blog ... every Monday from 20:00 to 21:00 in surprising RUAH with his radio.

So ... there is no excuse to stop listening!

A big kiss to all! (The largest today to Órdago).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How Long Does Conditioner Last

The three spindles!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Live View / � Axis 206m

1 añito !!!!!

Cumpleaaaañosss Feeelizzzz ... You
Feeelizzzzz Cumpleeeaaañoosss tooodossssss deseeeeamosss .... cummpleeeaaañosss feelizzzz ...

... Bieeeennnnn!!

Today my blog serves a añitoo ... a añitooo! and of course ... this is her birthday party ...

WELCOME AND HAVE FUN (The balloons are punctured us!)

sooooo sooooo I hope to meet more!

Kisses to all and thanks for following these 365 days !!!!! ** ** Encar

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Va Disability After Cmp

To view the magazine, click here !