Thursday, July 8, 2010

Would A Reptile Or A Mammal Respirate More

10 stories ... 10 Songs !!!!!

The music is required, has always moved the masses, has defined generations, has been featured in hundreds and thousands of stories of love ... music is life, joy, happiness, party ...

Obviously, with this phenomenon, could not fail to create a blog dedicated to her, a blog that has known values, respect, manage, enjoy and most of all ... DELIVER ... I'm talking about 10 stories 10 songs ... the blog of John Ceñal (O Órdago ... it's like the author calls himself !)...
And, Órdago, besides offering a good blog ... every Monday from 20:00 to 21:00 in surprising RUAH with his radio.

So ... there is no excuse to stop listening!

A big kiss to all! (The largest today to Órdago).


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