Shall mourn vidro deliveries from the East?
it fit his skill in the crucible? Is
Earth adulteress to the Suns,
By conceiving of ever-burning furnace?
Distilled "bathrooms to the West?
Can the same fumes that sunrises?
abbreviated "the English for you
The beautiful wreck of his people? Bears
ingenuity to counterfeit a day pretending to parle
learned the secrets of God to your boldness. Doctrine
blind and ambitious fame
The gold lies in the cold ash,
And when he promises, he pours.
Verse 1 .- East Birthplace: gold, referring to color of the sun at dawn. Understood "Can matter create artificial natural gold?
verso3 .- It is understood that in a figurative sense, the Suns, by its brightness and yellow gold breed on earth. If the land is conceived an oven, is adultery, and artificial in the sexual sense, because the heat of the oven is not possible, as in animals, but continued to be artificial. It also makes fun of the incessant and obsessive activity of the alchemist.
verse 6 .- Smoke . metaphor for furnaces and assumptions,
Verse 9 .- counterfeit. artificially manufactured.
--------------------- ---
Following a tradition rich alrga, Quevedo mocked many of the alchemists, mostly because they presumed to be scientific, because trying to imitate nature, and that exaggerated the value and delicacy of its operations to be ridiculous.
In another poem, A Daphne fleeing Apollo also devotes coarse words. And it
Quevedo applied sharpness and wit almost all aspects of the society of his time, as demonstrated in The Buscón , against the political establishment, as the satirical epistle dedicated Count-Duke of Olivares, - I will not shut ... --Even bet, and won, I was able to call "lame" to Queen Mary of Austria - between carnation and rose, Her Majesty choose -, or the superb sonnets exchange he had with Góngora , another of the "holy men" of the time. Surprisingly
the highly topical of his verses, four centuries later. -----------------------
Francisco de Quevedo; Poetry varies. Editing James O. Crosby. Chair, Hispanic Literature. Madrid 2000.
it fit his skill in the crucible? Is
Earth adulteress to the Suns,
By conceiving of ever-burning furnace?
Distilled "bathrooms to the West?
Can the same fumes that sunrises?
abbreviated "the English for you
The beautiful wreck of his people? Bears
ingenuity to counterfeit a day pretending to parle
learned the secrets of God to your boldness. Doctrine
blind and ambitious fame
The gold lies in the cold ash,
And when he promises, he pours.
Verse 1 .- East Birthplace: gold, referring to color of the sun at dawn. Understood "Can matter create artificial natural gold?
verso3 .- It is understood that in a figurative sense, the Suns, by its brightness and yellow gold breed on earth. If the land is conceived an oven, is adultery, and artificial in the sexual sense, because the heat of the oven is not possible, as in animals, but continued to be artificial. It also makes fun of the incessant and obsessive activity of the alchemist.
verse 6 .- Smoke . metaphor for furnaces and assumptions,
Verse 9 .- counterfeit. artificially manufactured.
--------------------- ---
Following a tradition rich alrga, Quevedo mocked many of the alchemists, mostly because they presumed to be scientific, because trying to imitate nature, and that exaggerated the value and delicacy of its operations to be ridiculous.
In another poem, A Daphne fleeing Apollo also devotes coarse words. And it
Quevedo applied sharpness and wit almost all aspects of the society of his time, as demonstrated in The Buscón , against the political establishment, as the satirical epistle dedicated Count-Duke of Olivares, - I will not shut ... --Even bet, and won, I was able to call "lame" to Queen Mary of Austria - between carnation and rose, Her Majesty choose -, or the superb sonnets exchange he had with Góngora , another of the "holy men" of the time. Surprisingly
the highly topical of his verses, four centuries later. -----------------------
Francisco de Quevedo; Poetry varies. Editing James O. Crosby. Chair, Hispanic Literature. Madrid 2000.
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