"Dear Mr. Muñoz Seca:
(...) No doubt you are a writer of great popularity, which is particularly unfortunate that often the language used in his work is so vulgar and objectionable (...) "
" Dear Mr. Minister:
at this moment I have your letter before, in a few moments I shall hold back. " -------------------------------------
Muñoz Seca |
All play by Muñoz Seca overflowing humor and wit and, as is also their daily work. Belonged to what are called the " another generation of 27 ", the humorous theater as good literature works gave the hand of Miguel Mihura , Jardiel Poncela or the same Muñoz Seca .
In the troubled times of Franco's coup was arrested and jailed, accused of "harboring monarchist and Catholic ideas" . You see
. And finally shot in the Jarama Paracuellos 28 November 1936. A
apparently genius and figure to the end, he said the firing squad that he was going to run:
"You can take my farm, my land, my wealth, you can even take off, as you will do, life, but one thing that I can remove the fear ... and I have. "
His work was known and recognized in his time and is still unavoidable in any marketing program theater. A genius must the slapstick has been elevated to the rank of theatrical genre.
Well. Not only was a brilliant and prolific playwright, but also demonstrated its ideological independence on several occasions. One of them, we tell you few months ago in humor Muñoz Seca against the church hierarchy .
Another, this time to political power. The story account Ussía Alfonso, grandson of D. Pedro Muñoz Seca.
received Muñoz Seca on one occasion a letter from the English Ministry of Culture, which he said
"Dear Mr. Muñoz Seca:
(...) No doubt you are a writer great popularity, so what is particularly unfortunate that often the language used in his work is so vulgar and objectionable (...) "
The response was immediate and the minister received a letter from Muñoz Seca, in these terms:
"Dear Mr. Minister: In this moment I have your letter before, in a few moments I will have it behind."---------------
• Fundación Pedro Muñoz Seca .
• The mood Muñoz Seca against the church hierarchy .
• Zaurin Fernández, Luis; From time Gago knocked Vargas Llosa. And other stories literary 299. Styria Editorial and Publications SL. Barcelona 2009.
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