Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tailoring Saree Blouse

Twitter breaks the url starting with "" Long live the question marks!

As everyone knows by now, in Castilian interrogative sentences should include both signs ineludiblemenente material category:


to start ? to close.

The English case is different, because one must take the sign spelling the end of the sentence. Why? Because interrogative sentences English must change the order of verb and subject to state them, so any speaker, reader or listener can identify the orthographic symbols without the aid of additives.

is not the case of Castilian, which lets you change the order of subject and verb will of the speaker or writer, in a figure known as hyperbaton .

Thus, a phrase like "you can plagiarize silence" has different meanings depending on whether or not you put question marks and exclamation marks, or not at the beginning of sentence:

- Can you plagiarize the silence? interrogative.
direct question - You can plagiarize silence. Affirmation
- can plagiarize the silence! Exclamation . Vehement assertion.

(Almost) all content management systems, templates, blogs, etc ... wordpress, blogger , to name only the most used, can manage the url in a semantic, ie the first words of the title, without resorting to annoying and dull sequences of numbers and signs. In fact, (almost) everyone is already doing well since he surely knew it was a good SEO tool, besides that brings meaning and content to a degree, making it more descriptive.
So regained its title as a literary force also for the url.

But, alas, twitter does not consider this characteristic of the Castilian language, it is seen that when making the translation forgot this little detail.

As shown, the bond is broken to reach ""

So when you put the title to your post, even questioning, do not start with "" if you intend to spend the twitter link, use only the sign of closing

We can also tell twitter to remove that "annoying" symbol to the interpretation of the url, for example, makes menéame : http://www.meneame.net/story/se-puede-plagiar-el-silencio

Similar situations occur with accents or ñ.

But in the meantime,

Live "question marks?

Long live! --------------------------------

Coda: Rules for use of question marks and exclamation

In Castilian, the admiration and interrogative sentences are two separate fully enclosed within the same punctuation and inverted at the beginning and end. Signs point lead opening up, and closing down.

correct usage of question marks and sentences that combined admiration of the two characters involved: What have I done to deserve this! Respective placement does not follow rules and is the author's opinion.

The closing question mark, alone or enclosed in parentheses, is used to express ignorance or uncertainty in data:? -1647, Or 1612-1673 (?). When both signs of opening and closing of both admiration and questioning, are empty and closed parenthesis express irony or disbelief, as a rule, although not necessarily refer to a transcript quoted in the vicinity.


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